The film follows Ava, a young bank professional who is devastated when her hus
The film follows Ava, a young bank professional who is devastated when her husband Dallas abandons a marriage she is determined to fight for. But then fate intervenes, revealing Dallas’ wicked deeds that have trashed their marriage, and once upon a time sabotaged Ava’s destiny to be loved by her true soulmate.
吉星拱照 外文名称 The Fun, the Luck, and the Tycoon 导演∶杜琪峰 编剧∶海滴 摄影∶黄永恒 美术∶张锡华 动作∶程小东 剪接∶黄铭刚 音乐∶罗大佑 插曲:BEYOND《午夜怨曲》演员∶周润发 ���张艾嘉 ���郑丹瑞 ��&...详情