"American Confederate" follows a group of Confederate cavalry, and a
"American Confederate" follows a group of Confederate cavalry, and a group of Union (Federal) cavalry, from late 1862 until the end of the Civil War in 1865.
美利坚邦联 C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America 剧情简介 · · · · · ·影片主要采用讽刺的手法,"虚构"了一段历史背景, 如果当年南北战争结果是主张畜奴的南方赢了,美国不叫"美利坚合众国the United ...详情
主演:杰齐贝尔·阿纳特,罗纳德·布兰顿,克里斯托弗·布洛菲,Christopher Carey,David Coppa,Kayla Coppa,Ryan Cruce,Adam Facey,Kelly Forbes,Charlie Gabel,斯蒂芬·吉利亚姆,John H. Greene,Barry W. Jerald Jr.,Catherine Jerald,Zachary King